Here are some interior monologues by Jesus just at the moment when he came up out of the Jordan after being baptized by John. He sees the dove and hears the voice from heaven saying, "This is my beloved son. Listen to him" These latter words are a citation from Is 42:1, and Jesus recognizes them as being about the mysterious "Suffering Servant" who will suffer for his people. The assignment is to write about Jesus's reaction, his "Aha! moment."

Monday, March 9, 2015

Judas - Why Me?

Rabbi I... I didn't know. They- He fooled me! How can I be so dumb and do this? Jesus knew about

this... But why didn't he tell us it was me? Was he trying to protect me? No no no, I doubt it. Why did

this happen to me? I was just trying to help, but no, not the opposing team. Aw man, Jesus is going to

see me as a backstabber. No! I didn't want it to be like this. I just- Why couldn't- Ugh! I just wanted

to help! Why couldn't I just keep my mouth shut? I was just trying to prove a point! Why, why does

this happen to me? Wait- He's looking over here... He's probably judging and doesn't want to see me.

Oh my gosh! I feel so guilty. I was just- How does he- Why can't I just trade the thirty pieces of silver

back  for Jesus? I was trying to show that he is almighty and powerful. It wasn't supposed to end this

way... They fooled me! I fooled myself... No they fooled me... No- Ugh!

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